Explore the Galápagos Islands

Discover the earthly paradise where the wildlife that inspired Charles Darwin’s Theory of Evolution still flies, waddles and crawls freely.

Journey Overview

Discover the earthy mecca where the wildlife that inspired Charles Darwin’s Theory of Evolution still flies, waddles and crawls freely. Get face-to-face with species found nowhere else on Earth. Simply choose your vessel or lodge with A&K, and let nature take care of the rest.

Cruises from 9 days to 12 days are available. Please contact our Journey Designers to find out more.

Wildlife & Activities

Fernandina Island
On the youngest and most volcanically active island, see the largest colony of marine iguanas in the archipelago in addition to a big sea lion colony and flightless cormorants.

Bartolomé Island
Climb the stairs to the summit of the extinct volcano for sweeping views of James Bay and Santiago Island. Cool off with swimming and snorkelling amongst Galápagos penguins, marine turtles and tropical fish.

Española Island
Witness the peculiar and lengthy mating dance of the waved albatross in their almostexclusive breeding ground. Spy the blue-footed booby, lava lizards, iguanas, and mockingbirds. And stroll along the impossibly-white sandy beach at Gardner Bay.

Floreana (Santa Maria Island)
Discover a colourful history of prolonged volcanic activity and visit the site of Ecuador’s oldest mailing system.

Genovesa Island
Count a mind-boggling range of sea birds such as boobies, magnificent frigatebirds, swallow-tailed gulls and storm petrels. In the water, sea lions, fur seals and hammerhead sharks roam.

Isabela Island
The largest island formed by five volcanoes, Isabela is home to 70% of the archipelago’s wildlife. Get up close to Galápagos tortoises, flightless cormorants, flamingos, mangrove finches and Galápagos penguins, which breed here almost exclusively.

Rabida Island
Float over undersea worlds in this excellent snorkelling spot. Look up for some of the area’s rarest bird species, including nine varieties of finches, large-billed flycatchers, Galápagos hawks and brown pelicans.

North Seymour Island
Prickly pear cactus and Palo Santo trees are highlights in this arid wilderness. See great frigatebirds, swallow-tailed gulls, bluefooted
boobies, Galápagos sea lions and iguanas.

Santa Cruz Island
Explore Puerto Ayora, the largest city in the Galápagos. Lose yourself in the Charles Darwin Research Station, where there’s also a giant tortoise-breeding programme. Encounter Darwin’s finches – possible the most famous birds in the archipelago – as well as giant tortoises, Galápagos mockingbirds, vermillion flycatchers and herons.

Santa Fe Island
Snorkel with the Galápagos sea lion in the calm waters of Barrington Bay. Spot the endemic Santa Fe land iguana, as well as finches and Galápagos hawks.

South Plaza Island
Meander amongst the resilient endemic flora and the prickly pear cactus, a surprising source of sustenance for giant tortoises and land iguanas. Red-billed tropicbirds, swallowtailed gulls, Galápagos land iguanas, sea lions, brown pelicans and finches are prolific here.

Santiago Island
Step onto the black sandy beach at Puerto Egas and walk along century-old lava flow at Sullivan Bay. Get up close to Galápagos fur seals, sea lions and marine iguanas, while spy hawks, finches and mockingbirds overhead.

San Cristobal Island
With the only permanent fresh water lagoon in the Galápagos, this island is home to Galápagos sea lions, Darwin’s finches, marine iguanas, lava lizards and giant tortoises.
